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Hi! I’m Snickers,

An animal conspiracy theorist and blogger

I'm here to help you discover a little truth behind the veil of lies in our world. Starting with animals. So far it's only been "birds aren't real" or "Bigfoot". There's a lot more out there that hasn't been discussed because we have been blinded by the cuteness of animals. All animals. And you MUST see the truth before one day it's too late. Animals are smarter than you think. Just because they don't speak your language doesn't mean that they can't. They revel in knowing that nobody can figure out their language so all their secrets are kept safe. That's why this blog exists dear reader. Let's piece together what they're all hiding. I'm sure the government knows by now some of their secrets, but all they're going to show us is Shark Week. Or dolphins bouncing balls at Sea World. 


Our webcam will have a streaming schedule so you can watch the conspirators live. 


I look forward to this journey of knowledge with you!


I am Snickers. 
I am truth. 

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Animal Conspiracies

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