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Bees: The Kingpins Of Agriculture?

Writer's picture: TruthTruth

Honey bee

Today let's talk about how bees actually have control over all of us and perhaps they (and even us commoners) don't even know about it.

As you may know, and little to our surprise, bees have been used throughout history as tools of warfare (as has been the theme of many of our articles. If society has a way to weaponize animals they will to gain an advantage). There is so much to discuss on the history of bee warfare, many expertly referenced in Lois Delaney's Masters of Military Research Paper that it would need it's own post so we will save that one for the future. For now we will discuss how bees have been groomed to control society as a whole today, not just in singular battles.

According to National Geographic the honeybees we know and love in the United States (Apis mellifera) are an introduced species. Their journey across the continent largely followed European settlement. to Virginia in 1622. By 1639 colonies of honey bees were found throughout the woods in Massachusetts. Migrating swarms brought honey bees to Connecticut and Pennsylvania by the mid-1650s. Honey bees had swarmed their way into Michigan by 1776 and Missouri, Indiana, Iowa and Illinois by 1800. In the next 20 years or so, bees had made their way to Arkansas, Oklahomaand Texas, as well as Wisconsin. Mormons arrived in Utah, and the first bees were taken there on the back of a wagon in 1848. By 1852 the swarms had reached Nevada. Bees were finally introduced into the Pacific Coast states by using a sea route along the East Coast and crossing Panama, before using the Pacific Ocean for the final part of the journey. It was in 1853 that botanist C. A. Shelton used this route to introduce the first honey bees into California.

Honeybees (which only comprise 6 out of 20,000 species of bees) are not part of the natural environment in the Americas. They were imported from Europe to make honey and pollinate crops such as almonds, melons, and apples. As NPR says, farmed bees are “an agricultural animal, in the same way that sheep and cattle are.

Despite not being a natural resident to North America, they now are the major pollinators and producers of the nation's crops. But what's happening?

They're dying.

According to beekeepers across the United States lost 48.2%  of their managed honey bee colonies from April 2022 to April 2023, according to preliminary results of the 17th annual nationwide survey conducted by the nonprofit Bee Informed Partnership.

They state that Colony Collapse Disorder refers to a phenomenon characterized by the sudden -- overnight, in some cases -- loss of the vast majority of the hive, leaving a queen, entire brood (larvae) cells, and full honey stores behind. The USDA has been studying the phenomenon since 2009 when it became apparent that Colony Collapse would not disappear independently.

CCD, while alarming, is not the main reason behind the mass die-off of the bees and is much less common today than when we first started hearing about it in the media.

According to the USDA, these factors include  “parasites and pests, pathogens, poor nutrition, and sublethal exposure to pesticides".

Pesticides are also a contributing factor to honey bee decline. Scientists continue to research the effects of different types of pesticides and application methods on the health of bees. The most studied chemical culprit is a class of agricultural pesticides called "neonicotinoids." These chemicals are systemic, meaning the plant takes them into its vascular system and spreads it to all tissues. They are effective after only one application and affect only invertebrates, meaning they are less susceptible to runoff and less dangerous to humans, birds, livestock, etc. They're trendy.  Theoretically, the pesticide shouldn't affect bees, who eat the pollen and nectar, not the plant's tissue. However, studies have found trace amounts of pesticides in pollen grains. Bees bring pollen back to their hives for food - one pollen grain with trace chemicals wouldn't be an issue, but scientists have found that the chemicals accumulate to critical levels within the beeswax. Pesticides also interfere with bee communication, relying on chemical and physical signals. Pesticide chemicals have been shown to alter their foraging behavior, communication, and larval development.

Pesticides lower the bees' immune systems, weakening the hive and leaving it open to parasitic infection.

What major company is producing these chemicals?


A statement from their website claims the following: "Many neonicotinoid uses, particularly seed treatments, have been assessed by these authorities (and EFSA in the EU) as not presenting risks greater than the benefit to people or the environment the use provides when applied as directed."

Bayer conspiracy

So basically Bayer is claiming that their drugs are an acceptable risk despite proof of the declining bee population.

For what? More money big pharma can squeeze out of agriculture? Of course they wouldn't admit their expensive chemical is causing the decline of bees and thus the agricultural crops in North America.

Is money the only motive? Do they have a desire to control agriculture as well to add to their portfolio? I mean if they are selling the poison to kill the main pollinators of crops then what if they have a backup plan to take over the agriculture industry once they run farmers out of business?

Government bee conspiracy

Is this a part of a possible ecoterrorism conspiracy? Foreign government involvement to control our food sources to force us to import more goods?

According to the Community Legal Defense Fund "The global food system is increasingly controlled by some of the largest corporations on earth. The control over seeds, land and water threaten small-scale farmers and exploits workers.

This system relies on fossil fuel-dependent fertilizers and pesticides. It poisons workers, the water, top soil, and air. It depletes precious aquifers and is increasingly fragile.

There is an immense governmental system that props up unsustainable agriculture and food production at the expense of our communities. Agribusiness corporations use their “rights” under the law to prevent us from rejecting the damage offered up by conventional, large scale farming operations and mandating the type of agriculture that feeds our communities. And as the agribusiness industry increases its hold, communities are facing severe impacts to their water, soils, air, local economy, and quality of life, not to mention the loss of family and small farmers. Every week control over land becomes more centralized."

This is no small conspiracy and it's apparently been going on for quite some time.

So I guess we either need to buy organic everything or plant it ourselves or be left to the whims of the big pharma and big agriculture industries to see if my dinner salad gives me cancer or not.

Until next time dear readers,

Trust no one, even your food.

I am Snickers

I am truth.


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